It's quite easy and convenient. Click on the "Register" link, fill in the registration form and then click "Register".
Click on the login link and enter the required information to access your account?
Each user can have only one account on the Govblock platfociarm, but we do not prohibit the registration of family members.
The company does not require mandatory verification of its identity, but in the case of receiving material prizes or suspected fraud, verification is obligatory.
Click on the "Login" link, locate and click on the "forgot password" button, enter your email address and submit to receive password reset link.
We guarantee non-disclosure of every user and their info. All data is stored encrypted in confidential purposes.
You can contact our support directly at
Yes, you must be over 18 years old to join.
No! Personal identification is not compulsory. However, it might be necessary to resolve disputes or infractions.
All information are stored on our dedicated servers. Our trading facilities and data centers are located in secured and protected secret locations. Transferred and stored remains protected via encryption technology at all times. All account related transactions done by our clients are mediated exclusively via secured Internet connections.
The company does not require mandatory verification of its identity, but in the case of receiving material prizes or suspected fraud, verification is obligatory.
Each user can have only one account on the Govblockcia platform, but we do not prohibit the registration of family members.
Click on the login link and enter the required information to access your account?
It's quite easy and convenient. Click on the "Register" link, fill in the registration form and then click "Register".